2024 Josef Dapra

The photographic work

22.06.-15.09.2024, West Wing

Lienz-born Josef Dapra (1921-2018) was an important documentarist in Salzburg in the post-war period who published numerous illustrated books and thus helped the picturesque views of this city to spread internationally. In cooperation with the Fotohof Salzburg, the western wing is dedicating this year to his photographic life"s work, which also identifies him as a distinguished modernist.

build in Salzburg, but he also photographed the photo book »Elementare Architektur« (1963, reissue 2001) with him, an artistic legacy of the work of Abraham and Dapra. The exhibition highlights this tension between classical documentation of the city and the modernist claim of photography as an aftermath of Bauhaus photography. in Salzburg bauen sondern er fotografierte mit ihm auch den Bildband »Elementare Architektur« (1963, Neuauflage 2001), ein künstlerisches Vermächtnis der Arbeit von Abraham und Dapra. Die Ausstellung stellt diesen Spannungsbogen zwischen klassischer Dokumentation der Stadt und dem modernistischen Anspruch der Fotografie als Nachwirkung der Bauhaus Fotografie in den Vordergrund.

Of particular importance for Lienz is not only the collaboration with Raimund Abraham, but also his touching urban insights for the first city book in 1966, to which Max Dellacher and Pepi Stiegler also contributed pictures.

Curation: Stefanie Pirker

2024 Josef Dapra

Visitor Information

The photographic work
22.06.-15.09.2024, West Wing

Opening: 21.06.2024, 7pm


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