2023 Collector"s Life Private Goes Public

Main wing

When the unbridled love for art becomes the focus of life, fascinating collections are created - often over generations. Not all of them find their way into the public eye, but remain in private, in secrecy, and are accessible only to a few initiates. In cooperation with the art historian Elio Krivdić, Schloss Bruck is now presenting such a significant private collection to a wide audience for the first time. This gives museum visitors the unique opportunity to personally experience selected works of Austrian art from the 20th century.The exhibition fascinates, among other things, with works by Hermann Nitsch, Arnulf Rainer, Markus Prachensky, Bruno Gironcoli, Alfons Walde, Artur Nikodem, Max Weiler, Fritz Wotruba, Oswald Oberhuber, Rudolf Wacker - and many more.

With grateful support from:
Cultural Department of the State of Tyrol
RLB Tyrol
Felbertauerstraße AG

Collector"s Life. Private becomes public
27.05.-15.10.2023, Main Building

2023 Collector"s Life Private Goes Public

Visitor Information

Main wing

Opening: 26.05.2023, 7pm

Coming Soon

Ausstellungen, Events & Vernissagen

 Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death  Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death

Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death