Infopoint about the small inhabitants of the castle

Museum Schloss Bruck, Zwinger & Schlosspark
May 18 to October 27, 2019

Zwinger & Schlosspark

The small infopoint in the former Zwinger reveals remarkable fauna in the vicinity of the former Gorizia Castle. Alone at the castle pond, half of all known bat species in Austria could be identified. Fifteen different species find their habitat around the pond, in hidden corners of the castle, in the forest, or in the water castle near the pond.

There the mythical creatures spend the day sleeping, as soon as it gets dark they go hunting around the castle pond. Therefore, it can rightly be called the center of bat diversity in Tyrol!

Bats are nocturnal mammals that mainly feed on insects in our regions. They find their prey in the darkness of the night through ultrasound echo orientation. There are about 1000 different bat species worldwide.

Furthermore, a themed path with 5 stations in 6 different languages (German, Italian, English, French, Czech, Dutch) leads through the beautifully designed park and provides walkers with various interesting information about the historical surroundings, nature, and the residents in and around Castle Bruck.

Coming soon

Ausstellungen, Events & Vernissagen

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