01.07. – 29.10.2006


Elke Maier & Georg Planer

An Encounter between Heaven and Earth

Elke Maier and Georg Planer develop their artworks in the field of opposing forces, which serves unity as a pulsating rhythm (like a breath creates the interactions between inside and outside, receiving and giving as a shared rhythm).

"With bare hands", Georg Planer shapes people lying on their backs, looking up to the sky, out of earth, to whom "rays of light" grow or spring from thin white threads stretched by Elke Maier, which permeate the entire space and, penetrating the cracks of the ceiling of the Bergfried of Schloss Bruck, lead upwards and unfold towards the light.


Ausstellungen, Events & Vernissagen

 Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death  Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death

Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death