2017: Archaic - Hightech. Design: EOOS and the Schloss Bruck Collection

2.06. - 26.10.2017. Vernissage 1.06.2017, 7 pm

The exhibition shows that design has always existed. Regardless of a specific time, style, or geography, the creation of tools and the designing of objects are inherent in human nature.

The designers of yesterday and today share the same ambition. The conditions have changed, but the principle of design is timeless.



The design studio EOOS was founded in 1995 by the three partners Martin Bergmann (Lienz), Gernot Bohmann, and Harald Gründl in Vienna. With its current approximately 10 employees and a high-profile, international client base, the studio is now one of the most productive and renowned design teams in Europe.
Characteristic of the design language but also the self-understanding of EOOS is a research and design methodology, which the designers refer to as "Poetic Analysis" and is applied to the entire spectrum of their activities - from product and furniture design to spatial design and social design. As the name already suggests, this is an approach that combines stringent analysis with poetic imagination. The result is minimally designed, highly functional, technologically innovative products,which at the same time see themselves anchored in a long cultural history, whose essence they also embody in form and use.  

Coming soon

Ausstellungen, Events & Vernissagen

 Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death  Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death

Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death