2000: Tyrolean State Exhibition Leonhard and Paola - An Unequal Pair

13.05. - 31.10.2000

From May to October 2000, the first joint state exhibition takes place in Tyrol, South Tyrol, and Trentino. It can be seen at three locations: at Schloss Bruck in Lienz, in the Hofburg in Brixen, and at Castel Beseno in Besenello.

| Tyrol | South Tyrol-Alto Adige | Trentino



13.5. - 31.10.| 3 countries, 3 locations, 1 exhibition

The time around the year 1500 is like a powder keg. People become mobile and cross old boundaries. Beyond the oceans, new worlds are discovered. Different cultures meet. Humanism and the Renaissance come from the south and herald the modern age. At the same time, the fear of witchcraft grows. Jews are persecuted. The stakes begin to blaze. The printing press strengthens the weapon of the pen and the mind. Refined technologies forever change battles and wars. Europe"s political map is changing. TheCounty Tyrol becomes the core land of the Habsburg Empire in 1500.


Castle Bruck

Leonhard and Paola.
An unequal couple

In 1500 Leonhard von Görz dies. His county comes to Tyrol. The seemingly unequal couple Leonhard von Görz and Paola Gonzaga play the main role in the impressive Görz residence. Worlds collide at Castle Bruck: Gothic and Renaissance, medieval thinking and ideas of modern times. An old man and his young wife. Their festivities and daily life, illnesses and death.


Brixen Hofburg

The game of the world.
About the game of the world

In 1463 the Brixen philosopher and bishop Nikolaus Cusanus designs the ball game "De ludo globi". In the game, the ball moves uncontrollably between ordered worlds and chaos. In playing with the balls, the visitor experiences the time around 1500 as a torn epoch: piety and superstition, humanistic education and barbaric ignorance, hatred of Jews and witch hysteria, the new human image in art and satire.


Besenello Castle Beseno

At the border
of the Empire

Castel Beseno towers above the plain of Calliano in the Adige Valley. In 1487, Tyrolean troops of the Habsburgs defeat the Venetians here. Castel Beseno becomes a prominent base for Maximilian I at the southern border of the Empire. Central themes of the presentation are: The development of military technology and fortifications, the military and political development of the border, the growing traffic between North and South.

Coming soon

Ausstellungen, Events & Vernissagen

 Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death  Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death

Albin Egger-Lienz - Dance of Death